I don't know even where to begin with today.....
I'm sitting at a local brewery having lunch with my honey and I'm reading the paper (USA Today I do believe) and I come across this story of financial hardship of a certain family. As I'm reading this story I would like to tell a piece of it (it's ALMOST an exact quote)....
"We have cut back spening in our home. We eat out less, shop less, and spend less. I was thinking of taking a trip to the Galapagos Islands, charging it on my credit card and paying it off later but now isn't the time. Also out of the picture is the summer cabin we were going to purchase."
I"m sorry..... WHAT!?!?! Here's a clue.... interview someone who doesn't even THINK about going to the Galapagos Islands right now! I just kinda sat there dumb founded for a minute.... not really knowing how some people can view the financial crisis and think, "Oh Geez.... guess the Galapagos is out this year...."
As I'm still sitting there, John and I decide to check on the stock market (apparently we had been ignoring the CNN on the TV above our heads to the left). So he checks on his phone and it's down 550 points. That's where the WTF part really started coming out of my mouth at a more easy rate of speech....
I just read a story about this poor person not able to make it to the Galapagos and by the end of trading day, I watched 2 out of my 3 children's college educations go away....
Now I know, I know.... some of you may think I should have gotten out along time ago (can't say I would argue right now). However I'm in this for the long haul apparently cause I couldn't take that big a loss and walk away from it.
So I'm gonna try the hopeful thing here....
*I'm going to be happy that I have the gift of time.... any one in the stock market is supposed to understand this apparently. That if I can wait out the bad, then the good will be great.*
*If jobs become even harder to find then they are currently, I have to thank my lucky stars that I'm educated with a degree in a field that won't be wiped out and employed by a hospital financially in the black. Healthcare can not cease to exist in this country.*
*I'm thankful I have my roots planted right now here in the Midwest. This is one of the few places where small banks are strong, houses are still selling, and the groceries are still with in reason.*
*I'm also going to thank any higher power out there that I am still able to provide for my children. They are clothed, fed, have options for education, loved, and sheltered.*
K... John's telling me to stop being a worry wart as I'm writing all this SOOOO.... I'm done with this day.... I have a place in my head called the "bullshit file" and when I have a bad day, I stick it (the happenings and memories) in there, put on a happy face and just keep on going! (Sounds nuts but trust me, it's gotten me through lots of bad days!)
Good Lord, I hope things get better or that family may just have to let go of their household staff. Then who would clean their house and take care of their children? Poor, poor rich people. How will they ever survive these rough days?
Give me a f@%*ing break!!!! Then there are the idiots like you and I who work, work, work just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Are WE the crazy ones?!
This just shows you where the media and the leaders are. Everything is oriented towards the rich and powerful. After all, they control the money and hence control the power.
The people suffering are the ones who have to give up their trip, not the ones struggling to put a meal on the table and their kids through school.
Where have we gone wrong? It is us, the voters, who are ultimately responsible because we elect people who we would like to drink with instead of people who can lead!
Your survival instincts are great. I love the happy face! May we all smile more -- some day!
Chi town girl:
I try to say I work but I'm better off just raising a family :-)
Jerry critter...
I like you :-)
Glad u like my happy face...
and yes, my survival instincts are very fine tuned :-) That's how I live :-)
The stock market may be in the pooper, but look on the bright side....those were some damn good french dips!!!!
Trust me, Sister, you work!!! Don't ever say you don't. By "just raising a family" you do the most important work of all, Lady!!
Yeah, stay in a good long-term mutual fund for the long haul. I've gotten knocked around pretty bad this month on my 401k but I wont be touching that money for decades so not so worried about it.
Jerry, you said it best buddy.
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