I SOLD MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!
*mental image if you will..... Me sitting at my computer desk for four hours number crunching our budgets.... 3 cups of "john strong" coffee..... bouncing on my ball I call a chair.... hell my fingers can't even keep up with my thoughts right now, thank you caffeine..... and then she calls.... now imagine all that caffeine in surge force..... doin' a happy dance!!!!!*
I love you! Thank you for buying my car! I'm sure you'll read this later tonight ;-)
YAY!!! Um, you forgot to cross it off on your To Do List!! Now I'm seriously impressed. The list is almost done!!
I'm happy too! I'll be saving enuf money in gas a month to make the car payment!!! Thanks much. I always did like my saturn and I'm sure I'll like this one. 30 days and it'll be gone from your yard.
Oh how well I remember that moment!! I had been trying for months to sell our van, and had no takers at all. And then came that call...and a quick test drive...and a check in my hand!! It's a wonderful feeling!!
I just discovered your blog and just wanted to pop in and say - YOU CAN DO IT!!!
We are a family of four who chucked it all a few months ago to ride our bikes from Alaska to Argentina. We've now been on the road for four months and it's been a fantastic experience.
Keep going. Take baby steps. Take more baby steps. It won't be long before you're there!
Hey stranger!! Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope all is well out there. OK, now don't kill me, but you've been tagged on my blog, so get over there and check it out!
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