Hey Hey!! Happy Halloween!!!! I know it's late but John and I had a fantastic time this year again...
Last year was this:
The outfit cost a fortune! I think I spent over $100 on this one alone (and I went out 2 nights so I had a different one for the next night... RIDICULOUS I know...)
This year it was Good Will and Salvation Army all the way!!!
Remember this thing on a prior post???
Well.... here's me "practicing" to be a seamstress... And yes, I still haven't learned how to use the sewing machine yet so i did it all by hand...
* I accidentally cut my dress too short... Ooops! I forgot that I had a butt and therefore when I would bend over... yeah... SOOOO I added a little "butt cape" in the back to cover the goods :-)
* I poked myself a couple of times :-(
* Uhhh... yeah, I also have these things called breasts... apparently I forgot this too when I was sewing away and when I tried the thing on for the final wear... the zipper kept ripping open!!! So... by the end of getting ready, John had SEWN me into my dress (kinda like zip a little, sew a little, zip a little, sew a little....)
Over all though, I think we did an awesome job! Here's some of the final pics... both of these outfits for UNDER $40!! It was GREAT going out and seeing all the store bought outfits this year and knowing I paid so much less and I think our outfits rocked!!
Killer 'STASH!!!!
***Lesson from the last 3 pics... DON'T DRINK BEER AND PLAY WITH THE CAMERA WHEN YOU GET HOME!!!****
Yeah... we can be REALLYdumb at times!!!
Hope everyone else had a great Halloween!
Looks like you were having SOME fun!
Did the little guys have a fun and safe evening?
Woe...............! :) Looks like you two had fun!! Where's my boys pictures? Did they get lots of candy? Send me some pics of them!! Glad you had fun!!
umm..... I don't even know what to say, other than ROFLMAO!!!
You would think by our age we would know this simple little formula:
Cameras + alcohol= baaaaaaaaaad!
=-D Too funny guys!
Great pics! Enter your own "inappropriate comment" here!
Aww...you guys look like you had a blast!!
HOT, HOT, HOT! Looks like my own Halloween, minus all the chest hair....
I had to come back and check on the zipper thing :-) Zipper undone, lol. I think I'm gonna book mark this page in case I ever need a cheering up. Or a pee your pants laugh.
i know it's a week after Hween, but you really look the part!so, what was your alias??? huggy bear????? and dana, love the dress; reminds me of a pant suit i made 30 some odd years ago! LOL
georgie mama
Oh my lord, this is PRICELESS!!!! I love the last two pics!
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