Hey all!!
No... I haven't forgotten about posting...
We are currently getting ready to take the kids to Lollapalooza!!! (Some people may call us crazy.... but I prefer adventurous!)
Yes ChiTown... we will be in you town... WITH THE KIDS... FOR 5 day!!!! And we happen to have an open schedule on Saturday! ;-)
Any whos... I haven't blogged a lot lately but with packing up the kids, daily chores, errands, day care schedule change, school starting, and wedding planning... I'm lucky to have these 5 minutes free!
Wanted to just share a few pics tho... these are amazing pics taken at my kiddo's daycare... I think they're awesome... that's why I'm sharing!
Keep checking back @ the wedding blog cause it's 9 weeks out and updates will start coming to the blog :)
Hugs and love to all :)

Zak makes the best faces!!!!
GIRLS!! I have to freakin' go back to work tomorrow!!!!! CRAP!
I'll be at Navy Pier Saturday night, though. I don't know where you guys will be, but friends of mine are playing in the beer garden that night (the 8th) Navy Pier does fireworks on Saturday night, so the kiddies would love it. If you can meet us there, please do!
oops, that was supposed to say "GIRL" not girlS. I'm a dork!
Wonderful pictures. Enjoyed immensely...
Have fun on your family trip and take care of the boys while your in Chicagoland!!!!
Definitely adventurous. You are giving them an amazing experience they will never forget!!!
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