YAY!!!! It finally went enough days without rain that we were able to get the ground tilled, the garden in, and the flowers too!!! Now it can rain all it wants! Now my list isn't as extensive as Barbara's (you go girl! :-) but it'll do for now....
1. Yellow, cherry, beefsteak, and big boy tomatoe plants
2. Red and green bell peppers
3. Eggplant
4. Broccoli
5. 2 types of carrots
6. Radishes
7. Okra
8. Cucumber
9. Yellow squash
10. Pumkins
11. Thyme, Italian and sweet basil, and parsley.

I hope they all do well.... I'm worried about a few of the tomatoe plants..... they had some yellow leaves when I bought them and I think they might need some extra love and care but the tops are green so I'm gonna give it a go :-)
Here are some highlights of planting all the flowers today with the kids.... we had a few timeouts when they younger ones wanted to run towards Locust street but over all it went really well.... and hopefully in a few months, I'll have about 100 Gladiolas in the side and front of the house :-) There are a lot of pictures :-) Sorry!

Izeah and HIS plant :-)

John watching the kiddos work.....

Zane just waiting for spade to start digging......

Izeah in time out..... he looks so pissed!

Surprisingly, this is how Zane looked in time out..... what a difference!

Zak and Kayla with the Gladiola's

This was pretty dangerous actually :-)

This was much better...... :-)
Yay for you!!! Isn't it great to finally be able to cross that off your list? Now you just have to wait for the fruits of your labor. Easier said than done, right? I'm actually pretty behind, myself, in the gardening department. Traditionally, I do all my planting on Mother's Day, since believe it or not, my son is usually with his father (since it's the weekend) But, this year, my 'baby' was actually home with me (you may remember, his father was off on a cruise with the HWW!) so I didn't do my usual planting. Instead, I basked in the joy of having him home with me! :)
Fun time with the boys!!!!
You forgot watermelons:)
That is a very impressive list. As for the tomatoes pick the lower leaves off and put up to 80% of the plant into the ground. It will grow roots all along the stem. Sorry for the info if you already knew that:) It was nice seeing the pictures of the family!
Looks great! I wish we could plant a garden but we decided against it since we will be on the road. This makes me want to buy some land and have a HUGE garden-can and freeze what I can to last through out the year.
So good for the kiddos too. The majority of children have no idea where their food comes from. How amazing that we plant a tiny little seed and it grows into this big thing that nourishes our body. How can kids not be amazed by that!
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