Hey all! Back in town and back to the daily grind :-P (I think John is mad about it though :-)
But we had a wonderful vacation and I have a few pics to share!! I have never been that far north in Minnesota before and it was beautiful.... you can definintly tell I'm a city girl though.... hearing the wolves late at night kind of freaked me out! (Ok, big sissy is the other way of looking at it :-)
I also learned plenty from our little trip as well :-)
*NEVER bring meat for every meal because you'll come home a vegetarian !*
*Dogs sometimes accidentally tip a canoe......*
*It's nice having great friends to go on vacation with.... and it's not true that most leave not liking each other.... we all still love each other :-)*
*Wolves sound LOUD at 2 AM in the pitch black!*
*Little towns=everything closes at 7PM!*
*Portaging is HARD (when you've never done it before!)*
*I truely CAN NOT sleep when I'm on a vacation! For some reason I am up EVERYDAY at the crack of dawn.... no matter how late I stayed up and how much we drank the night before!*
*If you try to kick your boyfriend in the ass.... it's smart to check for wet spots on the floor cause you will end up FLAT ON YOUR BACK, and it's not a good idea anymore.....*
*Time goes by OH SO FAST when you're on a vacation*
*If you stay on a boat too long in choppy water.... you feel like you never left the boat when standing on dry land!*
*I CAN live with out my phone!*
*Northern Lights are BEAUTIFUL! I've never seen them before and I still can't believe I got to see them now!*
Well.... I guess that's it, that's what I learned :-)
I have more pics in the posts below but here are some new ones :-)
Preparing for the Canoe trip...
Hi!!!! Me on the canoe....
John on the canoe..... self pic of course :-) No throwing the camera!
This is what the girls did on the boat....
And this is what the boys did....
I LOVE it when he blows smoke in my face.... butt head.....
We even took in the local "Harvest Moon Festival" on the last day....
Looks like a great time! Welcome home, I missed you!
i am glad you guys had so much fun...but you couldn't have had as much fun as little ava and i did :)
i was hoping you had pics of the canoe catastrophy.
next time leave the dog home and take me .... i promise i wont tip over the canoe.
grandma donna
Looks like a wonderful boat ride. Is that a real native painting on that wall/cliff?
we would like to say it is but both of us assumed we could draw that with some side walk chalk....
apparently they are all over the boundry waters but that was the only canoe trip.....
It's still awesome :-)
Happy faces at home I bet! Glad your "Back in the Swing of Things"
Ok, so much for being "back in the swing of things," Lady!! Where are you? :(
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