The title says it all!! Oh to be young again :-) We had a lot of rain a few weeks ago and the kids LOVE MUD! They were either in the sandbox with mud in their buckets or playing in the soaking wet garden :-) I have nothing real thoughful to say due to an over scheduled last couple of weeks..... so enjoy the pics!!!!
They call these little things "Poopy Cakes"......
Now onto the REAL MUD FUN!!!!
Izeah totally poured the WHOLE bucket of mud straight onto his own head.....
John even got in on the action.....
He really wants a uni brow :-)
Holy Hell!! You are THE coolest mom in the world!! I would have never, ever, ever, never let Lex do that, but that's cuz I'm not cool. I'm sure that's a day your kids will remember the rest of their lives.
Just so I can be like you, hun!
back in ancient times all we did was play in the dirt. we had nothing else to play with! lol
That is just tooooo cool!
Aw, JD, that wasn't very nice!! Funny, yes - nice, no!
That looks super fun!
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