You know how it goes (or maybe you don't but I'm sure all can empathize).... my little man had his tonsils and adenoids out on wednesday.... I guess I was expecting the worse. I always do.... I feared for his poor little life as they took him away from me (close to tears.... it's the mommy in me)..... Now let me show you pictures of my little man less then 24 hours post-op....
HE WAS FINE! So fine in fact that I couldn't MAKE him sit down for more then 10 minutes!!!!
Truth be told though.... he crashed this afternoon and finally started acting like someone who just had surgery. (I kinda figured he would at some point) Just goes to show that even if you "feel" fine.... REST IS STILL IMPORTANT..... So he passed out tonight bout 30 minutes ago and I have a funny feeling I won't hear from him until tomorrow morning! Maybe then he'll start acting like a little champ again :-)
I'm so glad everything went well. Give him some healing hugs and smooches for me! :)
OMG that kid is a cutie!
I'm happy to know everyone is well;~)
Glad he is fine after that whole ordeal.
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