Looking at the pictures I took today make me honestly happy.
Last year at this time, we all went to a local (awesome) pumpkin patch. John and I were "new" at dating, the boys had only recently met Kayla, Kayla had only recently met me, we weren't yet "FAMILY". We were still getting to know each other, still learning to understand each other. John and I were still trying to figure out how to stop being "single" and come to terms with how we could love someone again....
I think the pictures from this year can tell you all you need to know... we had a great time at the pumpkin patch.... as a family.
(we even made it THROUGH the damn corn maze that we got lost in last year! well.... we got a map this year....)
A year ago.... (10/07)
This year.... 10/08.... my family :-)
We love each other....
We play together....
We wait in line together......
We ride together....
We even shoot corn together!!!!
aww, Dana, you guys make a sweet family! isn't family wonderful? I use to think family life would be so boring (when I was single) but I love all the stuff that I thought would be boring. I realize now how lonely and miserable I was. I'm okay with being domesticated, actually for me thats a rather radical idea, lol. I had to chuck a lot of the ideas I had about my role as a wife and mother- and how that related to my feminist ideals. I had to throw them away. Dont get me wrong, I'll always have those leanings- but I refuse to give creed to the thought that my children and husband are holding me down. and plus, I like to bake pies, so fuck it.
I am so happy that you guys are at the place where things "fit". Its a nice place to be.
I had the same thoughts all day. This time last year was the first time I really got to hang out with your kids...and the first time Kayla stayed in what I now call home...and the first time we played hockey in the dining room. What a wonderful experience it all was then and today.
But, damn that was some crazy hair I had!
Aww...soo sweet!
I'm not going to lie. I honestly got a little emotional seeing those pics. On the one hand, I am genuinely happy for you guys. On the other it made me think about some important things that I just don't have at the moment. It made me miss my own family. It made me yearn for something more.
Congrats guys. It is awesome to have a family.
Take care,
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