Just a quick little note...
I actually found time to sit down and update my blog! I now have a whole NEW to do list (since my last was almost done!) and I updated a bunch of pics on my slideshow :-)
Ok ok ok... I really didn't "find" the time... I'm avoiding cleaning my house... who REALLY wants to clean anyway????
December Babies And Combo Gifts – Just Don’t
2 years ago
The photos are simply beautiful, as are the people in them! Good for you on (almost) finishing your last list. Good luck with this one. The list all sounds attainable, but I'll still send you positive thoughts.
Speaking of which, here's a thought....a holiday trip to Chitown? I know, I'm pushing it, but there really is a TON of stuff to do here for the holidays. Starting with the windows at Macy's (wish it was still Marshall Field's, though!!) Winter Wonderfest at Navy Pier, all the festivities in Daley Plaza all season plus the giant tree, the gorgeous decorations all up and down State Street, oh, I could go on and on! Just a thought....
I'm going to think about what other gifts you could make the two older kids. It's tough, I know. Lex has been asking for (gasp!) cash or gift cards the past couple of years, so he can later get something he wants. But, I'm with you guys, a gift made by your own four hands would be so much more meaningful. I generally give all my friends homemade gifts every year. I usually bake cookies, cakes, pies, cheesecakes and breads, and I make some killer fudge (dark chocolate and peanut butter). It's so funny, but my fudge has become part of some of my friend's family traditions. More than one friend has commented that it just isn't Christmas unless they have my fudge on their table. Sweet, right? Now, if only I could figure out this whole crochet/knitting thing the way you did, I could also make them hats and scarves this Christmas...
Oh, I almost forgot...I love the new layout. And, now that I see my looonnnggg comment here, I realized I should have just freakin' emailed you, huh? Sorry!
I like the new "look". It is easier on these old tired eyes.
Did the new list and the new look of the site. keep it up!
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