I have been absolutely in love with a new little artist in my corner of the world here.

Lately, Izeah has been staying up at nap time at his preschool and has been coloring papers for me.
The first time he ever brought one home.... I was amazed!
Some people may think it's just "scribbles" but I love the way he colors his blank pages. I have even had others comment on his art work. I mean look!?!?.....
He colors ALL of the paper... right to the edges.... And the variety of colors he uses is very eye catching. My favorite is the one with the black in it. Such contrasting colors! I had another one (which I can't find) that he actually mixed red and blue to make purple and did a perfect job....
I just wonder sometimes what he thinks about? If he can color pictures like this, how does he think? He must have a vibrant imagination and think so loudly in his little head... would you believe that my kid OBSESSED with guns is capable of these? Hmmm.... maybe someday he'll be the misunderstood artist who brings a gun to school.... (I'm just kidding and GOD I hope not!)
K, I just had to share these. I was thinking of framing a couple for his room so he could be proud of his work :-)
Very interesting pictures. Has he said what they are, or are they just designs?
I love his art work. Wonderful for his age, I think. Have him keep up the good work. He is very imaginative which is great.
By the way, the picture to the right with all the kids in the snow... it's my January Photo! Love it.
Encourage Izeah to keep that up, he is good!!!
No, he never really says what they are... he always just says he's going to "color the WHOLE paper!"... sometimes he asks us what we think it is and then he colors on from there :-)
Perfect January photo! And he's coloring one right now :-)
Beautiful pictures! You should frame them and hang them up!! Now I know how to keep him happy when they come to visit! ;-)
Wow, you do have a little artist on your hands! I love looking at childrens art- it gives you a little peek into their consciousness, where they are at at this time in their life. I HATE it when people tell children *how* to draw, because of course they are new to all this so they need direction. Yeah right- they have access to things that we have a hard time tapping into. Like pure imagination. So I say, leave them alone, lol. Look what Izeah came up with on his own!
You could even frame one of the drawings with a nice matting and hang it down stairs, it kind of matches your walls :-)
Not "leave them alone" to you....I mean to the childrens art authoritarians.
ok. feeling a bit loopy. going to bed!
Hmmm.... maybe someday he'll be the misunderstood artist who brings a gun to school.... (I'm just kidding and GOD I hope not!)
See, you did a good thing there! Now that you've "called it" it can't come true. Take that, Universe!
P.S. Just emailed your interview!
I LOVE and want one of these for my wall to hang next to J/M's artwork which are framed in Ikea just-glass- frames.
You do know he comes by this naturally - started w/ ur Mom ...
Hugs to you all!
Those are beautiful!! You know I love me some kiddy art! It makes me happy just looking at it :)
Hey, I left you some "Bloggy Love" on my blog. Check it out...
Hey Dana,
There may be lots of little ones there but only this one calls me auntie b :~)
No joke: he's actually quite good. Make sure keep on encouraging him. He might have already found his calling.
Yours is a wonderful blog. Thanks for sharing the art work. He is really talented. I loved your rant too. I feel the same some days. I would be nice to feel a t least some what safe again in our lives.
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