As you all are aware I'm sure... the last couple of days have been REALLY REALLY REALLY cold! I don't think in all my life living here I can remember a time it has gotten so low... -50 with the wind chill???? I mean COME ON?!?! Did I move to Alaska and forget that I did????
2 things though...
ONE. My thermostat never went abouve 64! Yay for us!!!! We kept the fireplace running and wore layers of clothing! (Kinda patting my own back here!)
Not like the "oh, they're nice, and they keep me kinda warm" love. I mean the I didn't take them things off for TWO DAYS! (sounds gross but yes, I showered :-) I couldn't believe how comfy they were! And the fact that I was able to go outside in that weather and still maintain warmth??? PRICELESS.... I don't even own a pair though! I had to borrow John's! He has now lost another article of clothing! And whats even more fun about long underwear???? When you wear them, them being the male type of long underwear complete with the pee hole, around the house with your socks pulled up over them to your knees, with a skin-tight-muffin-top-showing pink shirt on and you DON'T CARE HOW YOU LOOK CAUSE YOU'RE SO WARM AND FUZZY!!!!

Really.... I'm a huge dork. ;-)
... our temp here in so-cal is suppose to be 82 today - 86 on Tu - seems like summer is here - don't like it, but we are at the rink today/tomorrow & i'll be able to put on a coat & feel like IT IS WINTER ... i miss the cold, but not the freeze!
keep warm!
xoxo ya!
You KNOW I totally have a mental picture of you walking around in your long johns! So sexy! No wonder John is a "midnight stealther!" He dreams of you in this stunning ensemble! ;-)
You need the kind of long johns with the flap in the back! I used to have a pair with little pink flowers on them.....I much information from your soon to be MIL ;-)
ps . Tell john I read his last blog.......well......I skipped over a lot of it.......way too much information!!!! (for me).
Yes, I wear them too!! Also, they have what is called "Cuddle Dud's". THey sell those at SAMS. THey are very warm also. I can't find my bottoms for those so I am just wearing the "men's" long underwear. My furnace these past few days?? 60. It ran all the time at that temp anyhow. Doggies were all curled up on their doggie pads. Today, I splurged and turned it up to 65. The furnace don't run as much now. Just dressing warm....
I walk 2 miles to work... I'm totally thinking about getting a pair JUST to wear for the walk!
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