I'm sure I've told some of you this but I honestly do believe the area outside of my house has bad vibes... bad karma... bad something!!! Over the years, there have been so many just random, and some of them horrible, things or events that have happened outside of my house! I'll just start listing some of these things off and I'll let you be the judges.... I'll start with the most horrible and work my way down to the most random thing which happened last night....
1. Of course, number one, is that fact that Ryan fell in the front yard.... most of you know the freaky details of his accident but it was total chance, and in my very own front yard.
2. When I was on vacation in Florida, my mom called to inform me that someone died in front of my house. At first I thought she meant it was a car accident, which happens all the time considering it is one of the main streets through the city. Well when I got home, I was informed, it wasn't a car accident. Apparently some middle aged lady was walking down the sidewalk and right in front of my house she just stepped out into traffic! The worst part is my future sister-in-law Emma saw the whole thing happen!
3. A couple months after being back from Florida, I looked outside and saw what looked like a dead dog laying in my front yard! On closer inspection, me and a neighbor came to realize, it wasn't a dog but a fox, or an animal along those lines... it must have been hit on the road and then some one decided to heave the dead animal into the front of my house! Called animal control and they came out to remove the animal, and while we were waiting, the kids and me had a long talk about dying....
4. One time the city was doing construction in front of my house and had one of those gas run big 'ole arrow signs sittin' on the middle of the street to guide traffic. Well one late night I was out on the porch, just in time to see some car come flying down the street, ram into it and flip it upside down into on coming traffic! I figured the guy's car was all screwed up, or he was, but NOPE... he just backed up and drove off as if nothing happened! SO again.... I had to call the police and at 2:30 in the morning here comes this big crane truck to lift the arrow back into place and wake up the neighborhood!
5. One summer day, I heard a car accident... I was napping and it woke me up from dead sleep... After I gathered my wits and woke up a bit more... I peered outside... Apparently the car was hit with so much force that it flipped completely upside down and landed in the neighbor's front yard! Imagine looking outside and less the 25 feet from your house, you see a car completely upside down! The boys however loved watching the tow truck guy flip the car right side up and watching all the police officers that showed up to investigate.
6. LAST NIGHT: I went to bed early and was sleeping so peacefully when about 2 AM I heard this horrible noise! Again, it woke me up from dead sleep.... it sounded like a car was being drug down the street with no tires! So I went downstairs and looked all around the house (yeah, me, since I seem to chose life partners that can sleep through anything) and I didn't see anything. I was just about ready to go back to bed when I looked out in the street.... There, in the middle of the street was this HUGE ASS LOG!!! Like a telephone pole, or utility pole just laying across the road... So as I'm walking away to call the police, I see this jeep come flying down the road... he hit that thing full on, almost lost control and actually went on two tires before regaining control of his jeep... CRAP! Now I better hustle cause the next car just might come crashing into my front yard/house! So I called the cops (again). 4 cops, 2 firemen, and a flat bed truck later, I called out to see what it was... all of them were just as confused as I was! How did this huge as log get into the middle of the road? Then... they all left except one cop car! Bout 20 minutes later, MidAmerican Energy crew shows up and starts to chainsaw the damn thing, in front of my house, at 3 AM!! Doesn't make for the most peaceful sleep ever....
So... how random is all of this????? This isn't even the inside of my house, which i do believe is haunted being as everyone who has lived here has heard or seen something, and when we bought the house, there were crosses painted on every door! This is just the outside area! I may be off the deep end here but it's just really weird! maybe my house is haunted on the outside??? Does it give off bad karma??? Nina.... how the heck do you smudge your whole property!?! ;-)

ummm...yeah...I think the newlyweds should start their new married life in ChiTown. Just a thought....
holy crap, you ever thought about moving?
Well, I have come to figure out that the crosses above the doors are due to you having had Catholics live there in the past and once a year the clegy hand out pamphlets on how to bless your house and a part of this "blessing" is while you are praying you draw the cross above one doorway in each room as you go through and bless the rooms while reading the spiritual prayers in the pamphlet. But I do think if you have time you may go down to the library and venture through old newspapers or ask the librarian how you would go about finding out any "history" at your address in Iowa.
What a lively place you live in. So much different than my little local...since the madman is gone, blessed be that fact!!
Wow. I would totally be creeped out. I agree with your mom- maybe you could find out about the history of your house.
we can smudge your house and outside but I'm wearing protective armor and doing it as fast as possible- then I'm out,lol.
seriously I'll come over and smudge if you want. Maybe you guys should considered moving to the 3 month plan.
I think Butterflys is on target. What you need is your house to be blessed......yes, I know it sounds superstitious to you, but it really isn't. Even if you think it wouldn't help, it wouldn't hurt!
I have some Holy Water ........;-)
I vote full-on denial. It's by far the cheapest method...
I vote on MOVING!!! Not only does it have bad vibes, I have to do some sort of plumbing project just about every week on this house...I think this house likes looking at my Coin Slot!...now that is really creepy.
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