Hey hey!!!
I ACTUALLY have a TMI for today folks! I thought about it on tuesday and had to work really hard to remember it all the way until today but.... tah tah dah! I did! :-)
And once again, thank you Lilu for the lovely opportunity to embarass the hell out of ourselves :-)
Lets take it back a little bit again.... kinda around 16 me thinks.
I was such an "Artsy" person back in my teeny bopper years... I loved body art especially... By the time I was 16 I had done a few different things.
1) I had pierced my own belly button. (It was superficial and actually ripped out on a button of my jeans... OUCH! right?)
2) I had my tongue pierced. (which was also bad... tried pulling it back in with the needle thru it... that's dumb... burst a blood vessel, tip of my tongue turned black, it swelled, and when I took it out that night... lots of acky puss!)
3) I had my lift nipple pierced.
Now about that third one.
Really, it's not that bad.... apparently (here's a small TMI with the big one) I don't have very many nerve endings in my nipples like the average girl... it was like piercing my ears. swear it. ask any person to have come across my nipples.... sorry, not a "hot" play area for me... :-)

SOOOOOO.... this piercing was GREAT! Never really had problems with it at all! I had a pretty little left booby and was all sorts of proud of it.
However, I was still displeased at the fact that I had NEVER changed my jewelry some 6 months later. After all, all the cool people were doing it. Why couldn't I???
One night close to bedtime, I set about this task. I had a similar gauged barbell with cool colored balls on the end and a set of needle nose pliers all ready to go. I took a hot shower, cleaned the cool nipple and got ready.
I first used the pliers to stretch the ring out so the ball would fall out.... worked well, came out nice and smooth.
Went to put the barbell in and AAAAAGGGGHHHHH.... SHIT HURT!!!! Apparently I DO have nerve endings in my nip nips and that little screw part that you screw the ball back on to???? HURT LIKE A MOTHA!
K. I suck. Nice fail. So I hung my tail between my legs and slipped the ring back in. I'm placing the ball, grab my needle nose pliers, start squeezing the ring back together to clamp the ball....
And OOPS. BIIIIIIIGGGGG SLIIIIPPPPP! Mother trucker, son of a whoo whoo dilly, bad mama jama, holy poop!

Yeah. Second fail.
Note to self: If you squeeze the ring too hard with pliers, it turns into this:

*I even pierced it again a few years ago and it was never the same... I'm thinkin it might b permanently damaged with scar tissue*
See, this is why I've stuck to ears. At least you didn't go "down there"... can you imagine THAT??
Happy TMIT!
Lol, yea found out the hard way myself!
Holy yikes! Love the holy momma jama thing lol
how, why,... uhm... I can barely touch mine without jumping from being so sensitive, much less pierce the sucker... holy crap yo
I read this yesterday, but it made my nipples hurt so much, I couldn't even comment then. Even today, all I can say still is "OUCH!!!"
Hi Bon Don here found you through Chitown Girl! :)
1. I'm your new #9...becasue everyone should have a #9!
2. I'm glad I came here on such a great TMI! ...BUT now my Nip Nips hurt.
3. Now I will always think of your Nip Nip when I come here to your blog, is that weird!?
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